

Cell Reproduction

Quiz Lagi


Human Excretion System


Skin is outer layer of human body. So that, skin include body organ that connected with mechanic touch from the outer body. Condition like that cause skin cells experience of damage.
Skin or integument consist of two layers, are outer layer called epidermis and inner layer called dermis. Epidermis consist of several layers are stratum korneum, stratum lusidium, stratum granulosum and stratum germinativum. Below of epidermis there are dermis. This layer found of root hair, sweat gland, sebasea gland, blood vessel and nerve fiber. Look the picture bellow.

The function of skin
Skin include excretion organ because the ability to produce of sweat. The other function of skin are protect toward physic damage cause mechanic touch, heat, light, germ, and chemical substance; regulate of body temperature; prevent dehidrate; and receive of stimulate from outer.


Digestive system